The Perforated Book . C402 space . Singapore . Aug '09


4 used books, 50 pieces ceramic paper ( various dimensions)

The books were subjected to hydro jet trauma before circular cylinders of paper were drilled out of them. Fragile ceramic paper pieces were heaped together precariously and allowed to break. Both mangled books and broken shards of ceramics were displayed on gallery floor in a formless heap.

Rajinder has reduced a shelf full of books into a pile of debris and a bunch of mangled tomes. Combined with the broken shards of carefully constructed ceramic books (for every ceramic paper successfully transferred to the gallery floor, there were five broken unused pieces), a pile of formlessness claims the floor of the gallery. 

There is something interesting about the fragments of printed paper and the violence of the perforated books. Despite the size of Rajinder’s installation, it has a buzz of energy and entropy forming around the saga of subversion and violence. “I am seeking the sublime where only traces abound.. where meaning is in transition, form is deteriorating or regaining its composure, where the body is giving way to disintegration and regaining its corporeality, where traces of past meanings are as important as their future trajectories, where mathematical frockcoats are an illusion of the eye, where life celebrates the minutiae of transitions.”

All shown in the exhibition:
LaSalle College of Arts, Singapore.